Majestic Congo

Majestic Congo

Written by Jennifer Connell | November 11, 2015 | Lincoln

If you listen closely, you can hear a beautiful heartbeat of Africa in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo). Whether you’re hiking the active volcanoes in the east, floating down the powerful Congo River, or swimming in the Atlantic Ocean on the western border, this country is full of natural, God-given wonders.

Teaching our Kids about Race and Diversity: A Parent's Response to Charleston

Teaching our Kids about Race and Diversity: A Parent's Response to Charleston

Written by Joshua Symonette | June 26, 2015 | Kingstowne

Over the last several months we have had far too many reminders that we are not living in a post racial society. Whether you cite the events in Ferguson, MO, Staten Island, NY, the University of Oklahoma, or the murders of nine people attending bible study at Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC, we have a problem that is not being dealt with in a way that produces change.